Submit Photos


iStock Girl Filming With Smartphone

We hope you have found the photos on this site useful. If you did, please help us to keep on improving this area of the site by submitting your own photos using one of the forms below.
Photos should be clear and should be clear and should provide an accurate sense of the real-life view from the relevant block/row/seat!
Once you’ve uploaded your photo, be sure to let your friends know! Just CLICK HERE for a ready-made tweet :)

Direct Upload

Select File (10mb max, must be jpg / jpeg / png / gif / pdf)

Please note that photos should provide an accurate sense of the view from your seat - so no ultra-zoom pls! :)

Your Name

Your Email (required)

If you have come here via a social networking site e.g. Twitter please specify username
(If your twitter name contains characters that could be deemed as spam (e.g. xxx) please leave this field blank)

Select Venue (required):

Who/what did you see?

Please specify Block/Section, Row and Seat Numbers (required)

Block/Section (3 digit format for numbers 001, 002 etc): Row: Seat No.

I have read and agree to the Terms of Use.


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