Bolero Square, The Lace Market, Stoney St, Nottingham NG1 1LA
For more information check out our Capital FM Arena, Nottingham: FAQs below! If there are any questions we haven’t covered, please leave a question in the comments section.
See the layouts for the Capital FM Arena Seating Plan in our gallery below. (Click on images to enlarge).
What are the best seats at the Capital FM Arena? What is the view like from Block [...] of the Capital FM Arena? What about seat numbers? Are these good seats?
Answer all of these questions quickly and easily by browsing through our gallery below. Each photo is labelled with the block, row and (usually) seat number and was taken by a real fan from the seat in question. No more guesswork!
(Click on images to enlarge).
Oh – and if you find these photos helpful (we’re sure you will) – please remember to add your own photos from this venue or any other venue on our site or which you think we should feature!
Capital FM Arena, Nottingham:FAQs
Have a question about the Capital FM Arena? Leave a comment below and we’ll do our best to help!
Hi, I’ve just got tickets for Def Leppard in Dec, they are block 17 row D and restricted view, I’m worried that the speakers will be in the way and we’ll have trouble seeing?
Sec BL 13, Row V are there any restrictions to these seats for paloma faith
Hi looking to buy tkt to see Nick Cave in September.I will be at a disadvantage if I stand as I am short and have not the best sight.No good at getting forward I’ m sure!! Never been to the Arena Nottingham.Would love to be near with a good view,what would you recommend seats wise.Many thanks
Hi what are the views for concert block 7 rowU seat11/12 please?
I have tickets for Micky Flanagan Block 5, Row M – what’s the view like from here and how high is it – thanks
I’ve just booked block 11 seats 16 and 17 and when tickets came it’s says its behind a wall and suitable for small children. I’m taking my 4 year old to see Marvel Live can you confirm if this is the case as when I booked they didn’t appear to be behind a wall and all the seat plans I’ve looked those seats aren’t behind the wall.
Hi just got tickets for dancing on ice block 10 row u
bit worried it’s too high 3 yr old
Hi, bought my mum and dad tickets for strictly in Feb. Block 5 Row D seats 17/18, mum isn’t too good with heights, will they get a decent view from here?
Hi Alex, if you head over the our website and look for the Strictly Come Dancing event you can see the exact seat map including the rows. Row D is just 4 rows up from the floor so excellent for anyone with vertigo or height problems.
I have tickets for the Vamps at Capital FM; in block A row K and in block 15 row Q, which seats would give us the better view? (bearing in mind we are both quite short)
Hi, looking at block 10 row L for Disney on ice, says there is a wall, guessing this is the balcony, but how high is it? Will my 6 year old still be able to see? Thanks
Hi am looking at booking to see rod Stewart block 3 row q seats 20-21, how restricted are those seats
I was only able to get seats in Block 8 , Row R to see Jeff Lynne’s ELO – Are these seats ok ? Will we still be able to see even though they are so far back?
Hi how good is block D row S seats 39-40 for little mix as going next April honest opinions please
Hi – booked tickets for the WWE NXT event. Block 15, Row G – looks pretty central so far as the wresting ring goes. Hoping they’re not too high up?
We have seats in nlock 16 row f seats 1 and 2 is that ok for comedy gig?
Hello, i am looking at Little Mix Tickets for March next year, i am being offered block 17 row m, but it says restricted view even though the ticket prices are the same as non restricted, do you think the seats would be ok we would love to be near to the stage.
My son and I would like to go to our first wwe live event at The capital FM arena Nottingham which seats are good for best view ?
I have tickets for Mrs Browns Boys Block 13 Row T seats 15/16 I notice the block 13 on a curve with there be a problem with viewing if its on an angle.
hi ive got olly murs tickets block 5 row p seats 1-3 just wondering if these are good seats
Hey, long time posting but how did you find the view? I’ve just booked these seats and wondering how high up/ how decent of a view it is.. may not get a response but worth a go!
Hi, me and a friend are seeing the vamps on May 5 and have tickets in block 10 row p. Just wondered how far back in the block that is, how many rows are there?
If you google mapaplan it shows you each block and seat numbers . block 10 is quite far back and row p is quite high , hope this helps
Hi I have a choice of tickets for frozen on ice Block 13 row l or block 15 row p thanks
Hi I got tickets for Nicki in Block 07 Row E In the Capital Arena. Are they good seats and can we see the stage ok? Thanks
Hi i have tickets for def leppard and whitesnake in december block 6 row a, hows the view?
Hi Kerry, the layout is different for the CBBC events as opposed to regular concerts etc (better for you) – the stage comes right out to about halfway along Block 5. The seats where you will be are tiered so your little ones should be able to see over the heads of people sitting in front of them provided you don’t have a 6’4″ father (or mother!) directly in their line of sight! Have a great time!
I have seats in block 17, row E, seats 4-7. How is the view from there. Capital FM Areana, Nottingham.
Hi Grace Block 17 is very close to the stage and Row E is close to the front of that block so you’re really close to the action which is awesome! The only point to note is that you’ll have a side-on type view but assuming the ticket is not being sold as “restricted view” (which we do not think it would be from there) this shouldn’t be something which affects your enjoyment much if at all. So, all in all pretty decent – have a great time! We’d love to see a photo from your seat – which show are you going to and when is it?
Hi I have tickets for the script 3rd March 1st ever concert yay but like a dope when I booked I booked Standing
Hey Hayley – although we are all about getting great seats at gigs, standing can be a great option too. In fact, if you’ve never been to a concert before getting in the mix in the standing area and having a dance is probably a great idea! Don’t worry too much about seeing over people etc – it’s always a slight issue with standing but get there nice and early and find yourself a nice spot near the front. The stage will be raised anyway and you’ve always got the screens for a closer look. Have a great time – come back and tell us how it went!
Hi, I have Block 5 Row B for Morrissey. Is this a good view?
Hey Gemma those are great seats. Promise you’ll come back and upload a pic!
I’ve got GA tickets for Morrissey on 13th March. Do you know how many standing tickets were available/sold? Just wondering how it will compare to the O2 Arena London. Thanks.
Hi Michelle – we don’t have an exact figure but we believe that around 3,500 standing tickets were sold for this event.
Want to see micheal mcintyre in september at capital fm arena nottingham. The seats available are block 17, row T. Seats are on aisle nearest to block 16. Will these be good or will i see nothing? Otherwise there is block 7, row R. Which is better? Thanks
Hi Davina – Row T will be very high up and the Cap FM Arena is quite steep. That said, they are of course much closer to the stage. For this block it will come down to specific seat numbers, if the seats are 18 or above they should be ok. Any lower and the view might become restricted by being too side on. Block 7 won’t have this issue but of course the block is at the back of the arena and you’d still be in Row R so not significantly lower.
Hi could you please tell me which seats are better for Dynamo, block 6 row a seats 1-2 or block 5 row m seats 8-9. Thanks.
Hi Amit – hi tough call…Capital FM Arena is a little steep and gets quite high quite quickly so if that bothers you then perhaps go for Block 6 even though the block is slightly further away from the stage in general. On balance, we’d probably go for Block 6 in any case just for the advantage of being lower down and in the front row.
I’m seeing the queen concert and have seats in block 16 row f seats 7/8 want will the view be like from these seats
Hi Yvonne, you’ll have an excellent view from there
Pls remember to come back and upload a photo!
Hey there,
For Morrissey I’ve got Block 5, Row A, Seat 16 – is this a good seat?
Thank you
Hi Jonny – yes this would be a good seat. If it’s a choice between this and the one you asked about for the NIA, the Capital FM seats would definitely be better.
Hi ive just bought tickets for Morrissey 13th of march block 14 e1 and 2 is that an isle seat and also the arena has been reduced so stage is at block 15 are these goods seats?
Hi Tracy, yes these seats would be on the aisle with Block 15. You are right about the stage being brought forward and, as a result, you will be very nicely situated.
I have booked tickets for Morrissey, block 5 , row T, seat 17. Are these good seats, I booked best available.
Hi Paul – Block 5 is not a bad place to sit, fairly central. Row T is near the back of that block however and is fairly high up. The blocks go up rather steeply at the Capital FM Arena but provided you have no fear of heights and/or mobility issues you’ll be ok. It’s tough to get tickets to anything popular these days so well done for getting some and have a great night no matter what!
Could you please tell me if Block 4 at the capital fm arena is any good seating wise?
I’ve booked to go and see Mumford and Sons in November this year.
have tickets for Lionel Ritchies concert block 3 row R seats 7/8 what is
the veiw like please?
Hi Brian Block 3 is a side-on view but your seats are closer to the Block 4 side so shouldn’t be restricted in any way. Block 3 is of course close to the stage so you’ll be close to the action. Should be great please do come back and upload a photo! When are you going?
17th March 2015
Hi got tickets to see usher on 14th march block f, row CC , seats 4-5. How many rows back from the stage? Will we be able to see?
Hey Laura – the usual caveat regarding floor seating applies i.e. it’s all one level so if lots of taller people are standing/dancing in your direct line of sight this can potentially affect your view. That said, the stage is raised so shouldn’t be a major issue in most cases. As for distance from the stage, that’s not a major concern at this venue – check out the photo from Block 11 Row F above – you can see the back row of the floor seating area and you will notice that it’s not that far back from the stage. You won’t be right at the back so should be absolutely fine. Have a great time and please do come back to upload a pic!
I purchased a ticket to Lionel Richie on the 17th March. My ticket is floor seated, section D, Row K, seat 37. I’m 6 foot 1 so my view shouldnt be obstructed. Any good?
Hi Jack – great seats for somebody your height! Have a great time and please do come back to upload a pic!
I’ve booked seat Block 15 Row 0 seats 25-27 for WWE in April at the Capital FM Arena. From the looks of things, they’re pretty decent. What do you think?
Yes, decent seats and located near to the aisle with Block 14 so will be easy to get in and out. Have a great time and please do upload a pic after the show!
Hi could you please tell me where block BL is??? Trying to get tickets for something and there’s no block BL on the seating plan helppp
Hi Tia – are you sure there isn’t also a number e.g. “BL 5″ would simply be block 5…etc
hi,could you please tell me which seats are better for dynamo, block 6 row a seats 1-2, or block 5, row m seats 8 -9? thanks.
What seats do you think would be better for Mrs Brown, Block F Row Z or Block 15 Row N?
Many thanks
Hi Helen – we’d probably choose Block 15. Block F Row Z is fairly far back and since it’s flat floor seating your view might be obstructed by taller people sitting/standing in front of you etc whereas Block 15 is a tiered seating section so probably a safer bet.
Hi, I’m looking at Disney on Ice tickets with a 3 year old, which would provide the better view for her – block 5 row F or block 7 row B? Thanks in advance, Ade.
Hi – there won’t be a great deal in it but we’d go for Block 5 owing to the more central location. It won’t hurt to be a few rows further back / higher up, Row F is still perfectly fine and will give you – and your little one – the extra height to see over heads etc.
Hi, I’ve just found block 6 row c, I’m assuming these are ok?!
Go for it
Hi, I’m looking at block 12 , row p seats 1&2 for kaiser chief. Any idea if these are good seats?
Hi Fiona – they are a fair way back and fairly high up but the viewing angle of the stage and both screens is totally fine. If you can get a lower row for similar money or if you can get into blocks 4, 5, 15 or 16 for not too much more they would be great options. If not, don’t miss out on the show you’ll be ok in those seats as long as you’re not scared of heights and you dress in a way that you can take off a layer or two if it gets a bit hot/stuffy up there!
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That’s great advice thank you!
I have seats for WWE Block RD, row B seats 31 and 32. Any idea where these seats are as the whole block only appears to have less than 32 seats?
Hi Martin – sorry, we’re not sure on this one. Best to check with the venue.
Hi is Block 14 row T 22-25 ok for disney on ice?
Hi Peter – block 14 is a decent position for DOI since it’s quite central. Only potential issue with those tickets would be that it’s Row T. That’s quite far back and pretty high up. The upper section in the Capital FM Arena is also fairly steep so if you have any issue with heights or would like to be a bit closer to the action a lower Row would be advisable if poss.
Hi I have tickets for disney on ice block 4 L seats 14-16. It says not suitable for small children as behind a wall. How big is this wall and how small do you mean for children. My daughter will be 6 when we watch the show.
Hi Rebecca – we’re not directly affiliated with the venue so if the arena itself is advising that those seats aren’t suitable for small children your best bet would be to contact them directly.
Ended up opting for Block 14 Row D, any good?
Hi Melissa, you’ll be fine there. Only four rows back and the venue isn’t so huge that Block 14 will feel miles away. Have a great time and upload a photo after the show
Hello im looking at tickets for the strictly come dancing live tour which block do you think will be better 9, 11 or 13? Thanks
No real difference between 9 and 11 so go for the best row/seat numbers if choosing those blocks. Block 13 might be best just as you may have a slightly better viewing angle.
Ok thank you going to go with block 13 row g, do you think that will be too high up or will we be able to see ok from there? Thank you!
Hey Hannah – only just in the upper tier there so should be ok. Have a great time!
Hi I have standing tickets for the queen gig, number 2958. Can you tell me where in relation to the stage I will be?
With thanks Ben
Hi Ben – as far as we are aware all standing tickets are general admission i.e. first come first served and you stand wherever you like/can within the general area. If you have any reason to think this is not the case please double check with the venue (and let us know!). Enjoy the show.
Hi I’m taking my daughter and niece to see disney on ice can you tell me which best view they will have as they are 5. Block 12 row 9 seats 5-7or block 9 row m seats 1-3?? Thanks
Hi Kelly – both sets of seats are pretty similar to be honest but on balance probably Block 9. Enjoy and please don’t forget to return and upload a pic!
Where is block j row j
Hi Jenny – there isn’t usually a block J. For which show?
What is the view like from block 3 row d. Looking for queen tickets. Don’t want to pay a lot of money if he view is not very good.
Hi Claire it is a side-on view but as long as you don’t mind that it’s generally pretty decent as you’ll feel very close to the action. Try to get the lowest seat numbers you can.
Hi! Looking at tickets for Dynamo, are seats, Block 6 – Row A – Seats 9-10 any good? Cheers!
Yes, pretty good. In an idea world a higher seat number (nearer to block 5) would be better but it’d be great to be in the front row. If they’re a decent price, go for it!
Hi just got tickets for Status Quo , can you tell me if our seating good , seated floor B , row E seats 30/ 31 ty
Hi Yvonne, floor seating is generally good but usual issue applies in terms of it being a flat area so there’s always a slight risk of your view being a little obstructed if too many tall people are sitting/standing in front of you. That said, the stage is of course raised so this usually means that you should be able to find a clear viewing angle! Have a great time and please do come back to upload a photo!
Hi. We have tickets for block 07, row a seats 9 and 10. Are these aisle seats could you tell me please
Hi Karl – sorry but we’re not 100% sure on this. However we believe that there are 15 seats in that row in which case you’d be a few seats in from the aisle. Best to double check with the venue.
Can you please tell me what the view would be like to watch John Bishop from Block 3 rows J to L seats 1-6. Thanks
Hi Tracie, it’ll be a fairly side-on view but your seats are close to the aisle between Blocks 3 and 4 so you won’t have too much of an issue from there. Since the block is near the stage/front of the venue and you’re not too many rows back you should feel fairly close so enjoy the night!
Hi ive just purchased tickets to olly murs block 4 row u do u have any pictures from that view,
Not at present, sorry
Oh no … Just booked tickets to see s club 7 in May ’15 , and after reading comments feeling v. Worried taking two 10 year olds only managed to get block 07 seats V , Think maybe these r right at the top can someone confirm this ??
Hi Clare – yes the blocks run from Row A (front/low) to Row V (back/high).
hello, recently purchased tickets for the arena, can you tell me the how the view from BL 13, row V is?
looking for an honest opinion, thanks in advance.
Hi James – in terms of viewing angle and being able to see the stage and any screens you’ll be fine. We’ve heard from somebody who sat in Block 12 Row P and thought they view was fine/good. Everything is subjective though and you are of course pretty far back and extremely high up. Row V is the very last row so it’s at the back of the block and the highest row in the arena. Some people feel somewhat uncomfortable being up so high and that can detract from their enjoyment of the show. If you’re totally fine with heights then you should be ok but the reality is you will mostly be looking at the screens to see any detail from that distance and height.
Hi – I have a choice of seats in either block D row O or in block 6, row E (I think). As one is nearer but flat and the other further away but tiered – which would you recommend please?
Hi Helen! It really comes down to personal preference and you’ve identified the main factors/differences. The flat seats are closer but there is always a risk that people standing in front of you will impede your view. Block 6 Row E is a decent position and you’re likely to have a more consistent view and there are no obvious problems with that as a location. So it really comes down to whether you’d prefer to be in the thick of things in Block D and not too worried about the fact that it’s flat or whether you’d prefer to be in a tiered section. The reality is that, even if you sit in a tiered section, if everybody stands up you’ll need to stand up to see anyway so we’d probably work off the assumption that you’ll be standing a lot of the time wherever you “sit”! On balance we’d probably go for Block 6 but that’s just us! Either way, have a great time and please remember to upload a pic after the show!
Do you think I’d get a better view for Disney on ice in block 7 row F or block 13 row B?
Block 13 Row B
hi ive just brought 3 tickets for olly murs i got block 5 seats 1-3 what are the seats for view of the stage
Hey Michelle, the first photo in our gallery is from Block 15 which is directly opposite Block 5. Imagine that view just from the opposite side of the arena for an idea of the location of the block and the viewing angle. You will be right on the aisle between Blocks 5 and 6. Also, you will of course be fairly high up and several rows further back than in the photo (which is Row A) but still not a bad place to sit provided you’re not over-concerned by being fairly high up. Enjoy the show and please do come back to upload a pic!
Hi im looking to buy tickets for Disney on ice. Could you please tell me what section BL 13 is please. Is it lower down in block 13?
Hi Nicola – sorry not 100% sure what you’re trying to find out? The code presumably just means Block 13?
My In-laws have vertigo, looking at tickets and row k in block 7 has come up – any good for them?
Hi Matthew…unfortunately, the steepness of the stairs is an issue that probably gets more than it’s fair share of complaints at this venue…believe it’s also correct to say that there isn’t a handrail the whole way…Row K is pretty high up so if they honestly have vertigo I think these might be a tough sell! We have heard instances of the venue moving people on the night if there are spare seats but that’s a pretty risky strategy to rely on so we wouldn’t recommend it if you can find tickets lower down (front row of tiered sections is Row A, otherwise maybe a floor seat).
Hi, I have 2 tickets to see James Blunt on 22nd November , they are seated location Floor, A block, Row E, seats 43 & 44. Are these good seats in relation to seeing the stage?
Many thanks in advance
Hi Colin – yes, you’ll be about 7/8 seats in from one side of the stage (to the left as performer looks out we believe) but anywhere on the floor is pretty central and you’ll only be a few rows back from the front
In block 16, which rows are lower down below the first balcony? We are row R.
Also do the seats go up in number as you move away from the stage, we are seats 7 and 8.
Hi Katie! Not sure exactly where the balcony falls but the block starts at A and goes back to V. Yes seat numbers in each row go up as you move further from the stage. Hope that helps
Hi we are coming to see Mcbusted my dqaughter isn’t very tall will these seats be ok Floor F Row A seat 1, 2 and 3?
Thanks in advance
Hi Steve – it’s good that you’ll be in Row A but of course you will still have people in front of you. Since the floor seating isn’t tiered there isn’t much you can do to avoid the possibility of taller people being in the line of site other than – as you have – to get as far forward as possible within your own block.
Hi. I’ve purchased tickets in block 17 row e seats 13 -17. Is this a good view please as taking small children and a bit worried . Thanks
Hi Paula – you’ll be very close to the stage there so that’s a positive. Many people regard Block 16 (next door) as being one of the very best blocks. Block 17 is that bit more angled though so you may have some issues seeing a screen totally clearly or some parts of the stage might not be at the best angle for you but it does depend a bit on the exact set up for the show and where the performer tends to be on the stage etc. Would be great if you could come back and upload a photo after the show!
Ok thankyou. We are seeing mcbusted so hopefully with there being so many in the band we’ll have no problem seeing them . I’ll put on a picture when we’ve been
Hi. I have read on here that you said in block 3 the seat numbers are bigger nearer the stage. I hope this isn’t the same for block 17 opposite because our seat numbers are the bigger ones because the arena said they go towards block 16. Can you confirm this please . Thanks
Hi Paula – that’s right, on the other side the seat numbers increase as you move towards the rear of the arena.
Best seats for disabled
Hi Brenda, since we’re mainly focussed on the viewing angle etc we don’t really have info on that. Best bet likely to be to contact the venue directly
please could you let me know what the viewing will be like in block 8, row n, seats 16 and 17, watching strickly come dancing, thank you
Hi Kerry – the view would be ok but the other seats you were looking at in Birmingham are probably better overall.
Hi, I have tickets for Nottingham arena strictly,block 8 row M is this very high up, thank you,Chris.
Hi Chris – the upper tier is fairly steep so most of it is quite high but Row M is only just over a third of the way up that tier so we wouldn’t describe it as “very high”!